Friday, September 14, 2018

September Art Prompt Challenge Week 2

Second week of my #septemberchallenge with Crystal Kitzman.  I enjoy going along with prompt lists because I find it hard to come up with something interesting.
Sp he are my art jpurnal pages for this week.

8  G is for.....Gumboots.

9 Twist

10  Four minute art.  Playing with watercolour.

10b  After the time had passed I added some doodling.

11  I is for....Ichnite which means fossilised footprints.

12  Support.  Some collage.

13 Five minute art. Some watercolour resist.

14  J is Grandson.  Actually I have 2 Js, the other is Jacob.


  1. I love all of these :) especially J I love your gumboots,your colours in twist remind me of a crotched blankie you used to have. I adore your doodled watercolour flowers and your spider web. But most of all you art journalling makes my heart sing.
